Somatic & Parts Pilgrimages

A Catholic Somatic approach to inner healing, giving you tools to retune your nervous system to safety, allowing you to become your most authentic self and build meaningful relationships with God and others.

Join us!

Oct. 29th – Nov. 22nd

Step #1 – Somatic Pilgrimage

This Somatic Pilgrimage is geared toward learning tools to reset your nervous system and bringing you to a place of serenity and calm. During the group online meetings we will guide you in somatic exercises that you will be able to easily practice throughout your life.

This course is also the foundation and prerequisite for the next, Somatic Parts Pilgrimage where we will address the thoughts and beliefs that we have about ourselves. And move toward living from our True Self.

  • Dates: October 29th – November 22nd
  • When: 4 days a week, Tuesdays – Fridays
  • Where: Zoom
  • Time: 8:00 am PT (11:00 am ET)
  • Video Replays Available

Coming back to Parasympathetic!

Threat, Anxiety, Hypervigilance, Activated, Anger/Aggression, Hamster Wheel, Ruminating, Restless, Insomnia

Secure, Social Engagement, Curiosity, Connected, Compassion, Calm Aliveness, Heathy, Grounded, Present, Contemplation of God

Overwhelm, Freeze (too much too fast, too little for too long)
Exhausted, Heaviness, Chronic Pain, What’s the Point, Depression, Conserve Energy, Shut down

Why do somatic exercises?

Sr Mary Stephen, in this 10 minute video, explains the importance of somatic exercises in rewiring your nervous system to promote calmness and relaxation. She also leads you in a short exercise of pendulation to release tension.

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“Amazing class! I’d always doubted the idea that doing a little exercise could stir things up emotionally, but wow! I have been trying to deal with this stuff for literally 20 years, and this is the most progress I’ve ever made – I just can’t thank you enough!!!! “

“I look forward to my evenings with the group, so relaxing and a joy. This is my third time taking this course and it is a whole new experience each time.

“These classes have been LIFE-CHANGING for me! I’ve done a lot of healing work, and have made some progress. But wow – only a few weeks into class, and I am blown away by how I’ve been able to tap into my nervous system directly to accelerate the healing … so much positive change in such a short time!”

Testimonials: Somatic Parts Pilgrimage

“I’ve never seen parts work with a somatic approach before, and honestly this is the only way it makes sense! It is so encouraging to be able to begin to notice some of my parts and gently begin to talk to them. I  am so thankful for this opportunity, and look forward to the months ahead.

“I have done parts work before but struggle to access my parts and understand them or work with them. It is so much easier to be able to access my parts when I am in parasympathetic and because then I am in self, in my thinking compassionate, caring, curious self, how God created me.

“The Somatic Parts Pilgrimage has given me blazing new insights into my inner world that have truly changed the way I respond to stress and anxiety. And not only that – the somatic exercises and stretches we do each day have made a huge difference in my ability to get calm and stay calm, even throughout a super stressful day!”

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Brain & Emotions:

Dr. Peter Levine, the grandfather of Somatic Experiencing does an excellent job of helping us understand the brain and emotions as they relate to resetting the nervous system from one fight, flight and freeze to one of calm. He has a secular evolutionary perspective, and as Catholics we can understand his principles as coming from Our Intelligent and Loving Creator!

The below infographic can be found here:

Learning more …

Check out the YouTube video featuring Dr. Peter Levine, which offers a valuable introduction to a bottom-up approach to inner healing. As human beings, we can gain insight from the natural world and observe how animals process trauma and stress.

This reflects God’s design, and since grace builds on nature, we begin with nature itself! We’re excited to share this through our Catholic Somatic approach in Step #1 – Somatic Pilgrimage. We invite you to join us!

Disclaimer: Any ministry or courses run by Restorative Catholic are not intended to replace medical or psychological care. In no way does a relationship with Restorative Catholic create a physician-patient or therapist-patient relationship.

Medical Disclosure: The information and programs presented by Restorative Catholic or listed on our website are made available for your own benefit and learning. All the programs on this website are educational and self-guided or coach-directed programs. The goal of this program is to help you through stressful situations in your life using somatic work, parts work or a change in lifestyle, diet and exercise. While natural supplements might be suggested in a session, I’m not a licensed physician, dietician or therapist. The statements made here have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The information on this site is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Always check with your doctor and/or therapist before making dramatic shifts in your diet and lifestyle.